What you should know about contract management software

What you should know about contract management software

You can use contract management software to manage various processes. These processes include creation, negotiation, renewal, and many others. No doubt, contract management software can help your company’s teams to self-serve, agree, and even manage many routine contracts at a larger scale. This article explains everything you need to know about contract management software. 

Understanding the contracts

Contracts can sometimes be simple, especially when two or more parties decide to get together to give some rights and obligations. These parties need to agree and must abide by the agreement they made. If something goes wrong in the future, these people can check the contract to find out what they promised. 

As you can see, this process used to be quite simple when two or more parties could sign a piece of paper. Remember that for many years, these contracts have been the basis of most businesses with little changes. However, some contracts have significantly changed, and you can find digital licensing agreements that run across several streaming platforms. For instance, complex financial contracts can be a huge challenge to draft.

Also, the frequency and volume of some contracts can be hard to recognize. Some companies out there can manage lots of contracts each month. This is the reason why it makes sense to move your company to digital technology so that you can benefit from the speed, cost, and efficiency.

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The lifecycle of a contract

Regardless of whether your business decides to implement a system for managing a contract lifecycle or wants to manage your documents using manual processes, the contract lifecycle stages are usually the same. Here are some of the stages associated with the contract lifecycle:


Many handwritten contracts are gone, but some people still use the word processing software, such as Microsoft Word, to create these contracts. You can get an old Word document, copy, paste, and even change a couple of things to create a new contract.

Unfortunately, there are good chances that you can make some errors by using this method to create a contract. Instead, it’s a good idea to use contract management software. You see, this software has templates that you can use for your business, whether it’s an NDA, an employment contract, a sales contract, and many more. The template happens to be a set of rules this software follows when you instruct it to make a new document.


There are many good reasons why a contract needs to have several people working on it. It can be a complicated term and conditions that an attorney can handle, especially when drafting a high-value clause. 

A contract can affect several parts of your business like the legal, IT, sales, and many other departments. Worse still, the individuals and teams in these departments may be in different countries or offices, making it hard to get them together in one space. 

The good news is that contract management software can allow your company to work on the same documents. It also comes with some features that are designed for creating contracts.

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