What is Error Code 0x80070057 and how to fix it?

What is Error Code 0x80070057 and how to fix it?

Let’s solve this annoying Windows problem permanently

Finding an error code when running Windows can be one of the most frustrating problems, as it’s not always entirely clear what went wrong or why it happened. That error code, however, can say a lot about the problem, and when combined with the context of its occurrence, it’s usually possible to find a solution. With the error code 0x80070057, it usually has to do with an installation or upgrade problem.

How error code 0x80070057 appears

Unknown error; Parameters not specified; The service does not work

Error code 0x80070057 may appear on a blue screen of death, or a white popup, depending on how catastrophic it is. It’s usually not as shocking as some of the other bugs that Windows is prone to experiencing, but it still stops you in its tracks.

Since the error code 0x80070057 is usually related to storage problems, it usually appears when you try to install a new application or run a Windows update. It may also appear when upgrading to Windows 10 from an earlier version of Windows, such as Windows 7 or 8.1.

But you don’t need to have Windows 10 to experience error code 0x80070057. It has been around since Windows 7 in one way or another.

Error 0x80070057 usually occurs when:

  • You are trying to back up your files, and there is corruption.
  • You are trying to install a Windows operating system, and the System Reserved Partition is corrupt.
  • Corrupt policy or registry entries are interfering with the Windows Update process.
  • Some problems were installing the updates, and the system will try again later.

Causes of error code 0x80070057

If you encounter the error code 0x80070057, it means that there was a problem with your storage device, be it a hard drive or an SSD. This could be because you have tried to install something too large for the drive and it has run out of space, or it is trying to copy files to the drive, and it has run out of space.

Windows installation is also common for this error code to appear. If your storage device does not have enough space or is not using the proper file system for the version of Windows you are installing, error code 0x80070057 may appear. Similarly, when Windows updates are installed, if there is a storage problem, these (sometimes large) installations can trigger this especially frustrating error.

If your hard drive is particularly old, or if you have been playing with the partitions, one of your partitions may be damaged. Attempting to install or copy data to any part of that partition may cause error 0x80070057, as the disk is having difficulty writing information to it.

We have also heard of more innocuous cases of the error code 0x80070057, such as when creating a new profile in MS Outlook. Other apps seem to be more susceptible to this error than others. Still, in theory, nothing is stopping any app from activating it if it is running out of storage or if there is a problem with the underlying hardware.

How to fix error code 0x80070057

The exact cause of the error code 0x80070057 is not always clear, but there are several possible solutions you can try. These are listed from the easiest to the most intensive and time-consuming, so even if the former seems a little basic or you don’t think they work, we would recommend working on them step by step. If one of the first solutions is successful, you can save yourself a lot of time.

After trying each of these fixes, try to perform the original task where the error first appeared to you. If it does not appear again, success! You have fixed the problem. If it reappears, it continues with the list of corrections.

  1. Confirm that the date and time are correct: It may sound silly, but many issues can be caused by your system’s date and time not syncing properly with the real world, and error code 0x80070057 is one of them. You can check your date and time in Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 by selecting the time or date in the lower right corner. Check it with a watch you have, or if you get stuck, use your favourite search engine to search for “What time is it.” If it turns out to be out of sync, find “Change the time” in the Windows search bar, select the corresponding result and make the necessary changes to correct your date or time setting.
  2. Run Chkdsk: If the underlying storage hardware you’re running has some corrupted data, a corrupted partition, or faulty hardware, the Windows Check Disk or Chkdsk tool can help you find and fix it.
  3. Free up space in your unit: Your drive may be full, and you need to free up some space on your hard drive. You can check the capacity of its main unit by going to My Computer or My Computer, depending on the version of Windows.
    Find the C: drive, which is usually your main boot drive. If it shows little free space, you will need to delete some things from the unit to make space. Consider emptying the download folder, the recycle bin, and the temporary folders.
    Tools like CCleaner can be of great help in this regard. Alternatively, or additionally, uninstall games or remove applications from digital clients such as Steam, GoG, Uplay or Origin.
  4. Run anti-malware / Antivirus scans: A virus or other malware may be causing this annoying error. Run your favourite antimalware solution, and make sure it’s a deep scan. Run it in safe mode if you want a more thorough check. If you don’t have an antivirus solution on your PC right now, there are plenty of reliable free solutions.
  5. Run Windows Update: A problem in the Windows installation may have been solved by a new version of the operating system. Run the Windows update, wait for the download and installation to complete, and reboot the system if necessary.
  6. Try the System Update Preparation Tool: If you are running Windows 7 and encounter error code 0x80070057 when trying to update Windows, your system may not be ready for the update for some reason. Maybe you need an intermediate update first. Whatever the reason, download the System Update Preparation Tool from the Microsoft website, then install and run it. If it finds a problem, it can help guide you through fixing it and continuing with your Windows update. Once you’re done, try the update again.
  7. Try the System Update Preparation Tool: If you are running Windows 7 and encounter error code 0x80070057 when trying to update Windows, your system may not be ready for the update for some reason. Maybe you need an intermediate update first. Whatever the reason, download the System Update Preparation Tool from the Microsoft website, then install and run it. If it finds a problem, it can help guide you through fixing it and continuing with your Windows update. Once you’re done, try the update again…
  8. Try System Restore: A system restore can return the computer to the situation before the problem and reverse everything that has changed since then. This can cause you to lose your settings, installed apps, and more, so be prepared for that eventuality if you go ahead with this solution.
    Before attempting this step, be sure to back up all important information on your disk, as a system restore may lose it if you select a date too far away.
  9. System Restore: If System Restore does not, you may have to restart your computer with the factory options. Windows has some very useful built-in tools for it. Just follow the steps for your particular version of Windows and the system should work again at this time.
    Make sure to back up everything important to you before starting a system reset, as you can lose everything if you’re not careful.
  10. Try clean formatting with a new partition: If a system reset fails, the only other option available with your existing drive is to delete the partitions and perform a clean reset, and then reinstall Windows.
  11. Buy a new unit: If all else fails, you can always buy a new unit. Using an SSD as a boot drive is recommended for best performance, but any hard drive will do a good job. Transfer your files to the new drive, and it should be back up and running.

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