The best Google tricks that you surely blow your mind

The best Google tricks that you surely blow your mind

Did you know that you can enjoy some Google tricks that will make your visa easier and more fun? Not everything is extreme fiction for hours in front of the monitor or that your life is absolutely gray. We can make combined use of the resources that the internet gives us, and today we propose some curious little things for you to do, from time to time, in the most famous search engine in the world.

Google is much more than, as we say, a search engine. Behind is a global market giant that succeeds in virtually any project it embarks on, emerging as a competitor to any brand or company that does anything that can be minimally related to technology and computing. You can see the full list of the famous “Easter Eggs” that Google hides here.

It is already part of the lives of all of us in many more ways than we thought. Therefore, it is not surprising that every two by three, he is devising new ways to make the user feel good, even if it takes a few seconds of a smile. And that is precisely what we want to achieve by talking about these 15 Google gags.

The 15 surprising tricks you can do with Google, and you surely did not know.

Be careful because you are going to discover many funny, nice, fun and useful things. Don’t forget to save this post among your favorites to reread it from time to time!

Google in 1998

Want to see what Google Search was like when it launched? You can see the search engine, as it was in 1998. Do a search with “Google in 1998″.

Custom search engine

If you want to get results that include two different search concepts, now you can do it by entering both into one, joining them by “and”, for example, “history of the pencil and Cumberland”, because it may sound a little to you and you don’t know very well what. Google will give you the results that include both related concepts in the content of the sites.


Are you one of those who, without a guide, write crookedly? You may understand, better than anyone, what happens, then, when you type “askew” in the search engine. Too bad it doesn’t hold for other searches!

Google blinks

If you search for “blink tag” or “blink html” you will see that, curiously, the terms appear flashing in the different results.

Kerning: graphic description

Do you want to know what “kerning’ is? Enter the concept in the search engine, and it will show you graphically. The result is very subtle.

Therefore, in case you haven’t noticed, know that this concept refers to the separation between the letters of a word. The funny thing is that in all the results of this word, they appear with their characters more separated than usual.


The “Maybe you wanted to say” function is usually quite useful, except when you type a particular concept in the search engine: “recursion”. Why? Go to the search engine and check it out.

Roll a die

Enter this “Roll a die” search for Google to roll a die. It can help you see who makes dinner, for example, throwing you and your partner once. Who will it be this time?

Google Pacman and other minigames

Google offers you some games so that you can see the time pass in a nice, entertaining way and, without a doubt, going back to our childhood (or well, it depends on your age, of course).

The first game you can access is the dinosaur. To do this, disconnect your device from the internet and enter the search engine. You will be warned of the non-connection, and you will see that there is a dinosaur. Press on the screen or the start bar if you are on the computer, and you will see that the game of obstacles begins—cover or space to jump them.

You can also play Pacman, a doodle that was designed to celebrate the title’s 30th anniversary and which we can continue to access by typing “Google Pacman” in the first result.

Zerg Rush is a game that you access simply by entering this term in the search bar and pressing enter. “Oes” will begin to fall, and the results will be eaten. Avoid it by clicking on them to make them disappear!

Google Aspects

Although the truth is that in the search engine the background image often changes to commemorate and celebrate dates, if it is not enough and you consider that the aspect is too boring, you can make a change of look.

For example, you can type “Google Pirate” and click on the first result, that of Google. The same goes for “Google Black” if you want to drive those who sit in front of your monitor crazy, try “Google l33t”.

See the time

If you have geolocation activated, you can see the time without having to enter any specific website for it. You just have to do a search with “weather” and you will see aspects such as the percentage of rainfall and humidity, the wind speed, the weather elements of the moment, the current temperature and what the weather will be like, in general, in the next few hours and even days.


The same is true if you need to use the calculator. Just enter “calculator” and Google’s own will appear above the results. You don’t even need to enter that search; you can directly type the mathematical operation in the search bar, and Google solves it.

Google Mirror

Type “Google Mirror” and press Enter. You will see that the entire interface, including the orientation of the letters, is transformed in reverse by doing a mirror mode.

However, the thing does not stop there because the search engine is not going to work normally. No matter what search you enter, the results will be the same: Google tricks! Many of which we are seeing and some others.

Google doodles

We have already talked about doodles. If you want to see them all, just put “Google doodles” in the search bar and hit Enter. The first result will take you to a place where you can browse them and learn a little more history.

Search engine resizing

Enter the search “Google Weenie” and enter the first result. Hurry up because the search engine will get smaller and smaller every time! Click on the “I’m feeling inadequate” button.

The opposite situation is achieved by typing “Google Epic”. In this case, to prevent the search engine from continuing to grow, you will have to click on “I’m feeling excessive”.

Do a barrel roll

A little nonsense to finish, which is nothing more than the introduction of this term, “Do a barrel roll”, to get the search engine to start spinning as if we were inside a plane doing tricks.

Play the “snake” in Google Maps

A simple but fun game that consisted of directing a snake preventing it from hitting the walls. Well, that same dynamic, which has been maintained in many games for more than twenty years, can even be played from the Google Maps cartographic service. You can access it from here:

Do you know any other tips or curiosity that Google offers us? If so, leave it in the comments so that more users can discover it! You can visit the web to see all these fun curiosities of the great G.

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