5 basic rules of “social selling” or selling through social networks

5 basic rules of “social selling” or selling through social networks

Social networks have become an excellent alternative to sell goods from this and other seasons.

The Internet has been the lifeline of many businesses during the confinement and can be the channel to dispose of stock surplus these months. And the fact is that the entry into the new normal has not brought about the recovery of sales in establishments as expected, mainly due to the fear of contagion. One piece of information: only in the textile sector, the union’s association (Acotex) figures the accumulated losses this year at more than 39% compared to 2019. To get rid of this surplus, PaynoPain, a technology company specialized in developing online payment tools, recommends companies make use of social networks and bet on ‘social selling’.

“Tik Tok, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat… the options are endless,” says Jordi Nebot, CEO and co-founder of PaynoPain. “We are talking about networks, in which we can easily find the target audience for our products and services, which gives brands a unique opportunity to sell.”

Achieving that conversion requires knowing the profile of the network user and how each of the platforms works and taking into account a series of considerations. PaynoPain suggests to every business that embarks on this company follow the following tips to be successful:

Humanize your brand.

In these moments, in which the ‘human’ takes on more and more prominence, it is vital that you do not limit yourself to labeling your business, B2B or B2C, and that you show the most human side of your brand: your values, your commitment with the community or the environment, etc. It is essential that the client feels identified and proud of being a client of a company that ‘feels’ and ‘lives’ like him.

Content is king.

In social selling, providing the user with quality content is key to influencing their purchase decision. It is essential to avoid self-promotion or complacency and focus on sharing your target the benefits of your products or services to provide them with purchase arguments.

Talk to your client.

One of the most common mistakes is to open a brand’s profile on social networks and forget about them. It is not enough to ‘be.’ You have to ‘be active, and this implies sharing, giving an opinion … That is, starting conversations with users. Only then will we be able to “connect” with our potential client.

[Also Read: Why building a brand is so important to your business]

Choose the right payment gateway.

It is one of the primary keys to provide the customer with an optimal shopping experience and retain them, generating trust and a closer bond. In this sense, it will be essential to have payment gateways such as PaynoPain’s Pay lands, which, being multichannel, allow unifying the charges of social networks, web stores, or even WhatsApp. It also has very tight commissions to facilitate the online jump to any type and size of the company.

Analysis and more analysis.

The only way to know if the social selling strategy is being successful is by measuring the impact and results of the publications that the brand makes on the different social media profiles. Therefore, counting the number of followers or contacts, reach, number of visits, and engagement will be key to adjust the strategy and make the necessary changes.


“At present, the points of interaction and contact with the potential customer have multiplied. The emergence of social networks in the user-company relationship allows us to know what customers want and aspire from their products and services and even, from the company as a brand, to interact with them … becoming a fundamental tool to improve the user’s journey”.

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