Take Advantage of Social Network to Improve your Marketing

Take Advantage of Social Network to Improve your Marketing

Facebook influences · 43% of purchasing decisions

The main thing is to find the ones that best suit the line of business of your brand or company, so Merodio separates them into 15 categories

The management of content marketing plays an important role, and this strategy creates an approach between the company and the client

It is true that we live in an era of constant change, both technological and structural. However, something that maintains the essence of communication, and it is just this that will help us develop a marketing plan on social networks.

Every time a new social network appears that can be effective in finding potential consumers. Although this does not mean that your brand or company must have a profile in each one.

To recognize the networks that best suit you, you must be clear about the essence of your brand and have at least one idea about your target.

Why is it important to position yourself on social networks?

A study prepared by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) indicates that eight out of 10 internet users compare prices online and 7 out of 10 are included in their purchase decision by the reviews they read from other consumers.

It happens that there are more and more portals or social networks that give way to more people deciding to make a purchase. According to Ironpaper, 43% of purchasing decisions are influenced by Facebook, and SalesForce claims that 31% of Mexican consumers say they use Instagram as the primary source of inspiration for purchases.

Make your plan:

It is essential to have a general understanding of the brand or company to which a strategy will be proposed. And this information should answer the following questions:

What are we selling?

Where do we sell it?

What is the company’s website?

Is it a seasonal service?

What is your current situation in the market?

What is the value proposition?

How is it different from the competition?

Carrying out a demographic profile of the target, where we generalize it by age range, will allow us to build a plan that meets their needs more quickly.

Time to make friends on social media:

Juan Merodio points out in his book Marketing on Social Networks a formula to achieve position yourself on these digital platforms; content + context + community is the result of social media marketing.

The main thing is to find the ones that best suit the line of business of your brand or company, which is why Merodio separates them into 15 categories:

· Social networks: such as Facebook and LinkedIn, used to search and find people, in addition to sharing different types of information. The advantage of these is that they are complete, including the following points.

· Publications: Twitter, this is used mainly to share news for the simplicity of its publications and speed. To know what he is talking about in the world, you just have to enter this one.

· Photographs: Instagram is the queen of these networks; today, it has more than 340 million active users.

And although we could say that these three are the main ones, there are still more specific ones such as audio, video, microblogging, streaming, video games, games, productivity applications, news aggregates, productivity applications, RSS, searches, mobiles and interpersonal.

Build your content:

We cannot specify how this should be; however, you should know that all information directed to potential consumers must be clear and concise for better handling of this.

This strategy creates an approach between the company and the client. The moment you provide the customer with various information, it allows them to imagine and see from another perspective the problem or need that you seek to solve with your product or service.

If you are tech blogger, you can share your works in social media and build your network.


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