Telegram is launching its own operating system known as TONOS

Telegram is launching its own operating system known as TONOS

It has been known that Telegram intends to continue in its effort to create the TON network and that its GRAM token sees the light. According to sources close to Telegram, the operating system could be available for mobile devices this spring.

Recently Telegram has been forced to stop the exit of the TON network along with its GRAM token because the United States court has ruled in favor of the SEC. Various options have been proposed for TON to finally reach users such as launching the chain independently to Telegram or launching its own but limiting its use to non-US users. All these possible solutions have not borne fruit since the platform has not rejected Telegram’s resources.

After all this barrage, a source close to Telegram has informed the Russian media RBC about Telegram’s plans to launch an open-source operating system known as TONOS. This is an operating system that will be available on both Android and IOS and will have a computer version.

Through this system, services, such as operations, can be executed through any blockchain of the different cryptocurrencies (1). TON Labs developers have defined the platform as: “an end-to-end open-source infrastructure that will allow developers and users to work with the TON blockchain.” An important fact is that even though it is an operating system, it is complementary to that of our devices. This means that we will not have to use it as the main system, but rather it will provide existing systems with the ability to support blockchain applications.

The idea of ​​launching the network could be shocking since its exit has been prohibited, but apparently Telegram continues to have in mind to launch the network even with these legal drawbacks, as transmitted by Fedor Skuratov, representative of TON Community Foundation.

“The community was ready for a setback like this. We have several options, including the launch of TON through the TON Community Foundation, leaving Telegram aside. “I will say more, no one can prevent the launch of TON by any other entity, person or community, because TON is a decentralized open-source solution.”

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