What are the Best Inexpensive Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses?

What are the Best Inexpensive Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses?

If you are running an e-commerce business, you need some online platforms to utilize for marketing your goods and services. In today’s time, where technological trends are at the peak, then being in the same environment, you are also required to plan your marketing strategies by utilizing the same trends.

Here you might be thinking that the technological trends we are talking about would be expensive for your small scale business, which is not right. Because there are specific options available in this high-tech world that will be perfectly fit for your business and for which you don’tdon’t have to spend much. 

Today, the most inexpensive marketing option I am going to tell you about is the push notification marketing strategy. So, let’s check out this amazing guide where you will be able to do effective marketing for which all you need to have is an android business app:

push notification marketing strategy

Limited Stock Alarms:

If your users have previously downloaded your business application on their devices, then it means that they have already been fascinated by your online retail store. Now for making them more excited about your products, you need to awaken their FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) factor (1), which you can easily do by smartly utilizing these android push notifications. 

So, here you have to make them realize that one of their favorite stocks will be out of order within a few days. Thus due to the fear of losing their favorite stocks at genuine rates, they will start placing orders immediately after the receipt of push notification on their mobile devices, where you can increase your sales upto 45%. 

Limited Stock Alarms

The Nearby Deals:

Whenever your users choose to download your business application on their devices, it has always been asked to access their locations by the app where the users press the ”allow” button. So this feature makes you eligible to track their current location. 

This means whenever your users visit a nearby spot close to your retail shop outlet, every time you get the chance to invite them to your physical store by using these android push notifications. By doing this, you will also increase the foot traffic on your physical store apart from growing digital traffic on your business app. So send them special offers now by spotting their presence in your neighboring area. 

The Nearby Deals

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The Perfect Delivery Updates:

When your users place the order for your products from their mobile apps that they have downloaded in their devices, they want to know every detail about their products until it has been delivered to them. So you can make their wish come true by letting them know what is happening with their products by using these android push notifications.

Now, making them satisfied in a better way makes them realize that everything is under their control. Thus, here you need to send push notifications to them for providing every detail about their product like whether the order has been processed for delivery, has it been courier by the store, is it out for delivery or not. Thus, utilize these push notifications and make them feel that everything is under their control, which will further help you build customer loyalty towards you.

The Perfect Delivery Updates

Those Flash Sales:

Flash sales are meant to increase your store’sstore’s rush, either you are selling online or offline. If you are planning to launch flash sales on a few of your products you think your users might like, let them know about it. Now you can easily let them know about your flash sales offer with the help of android push notifications strategy. This exclusive marketing idea will certainly help you increase your sales and your profits as well. 

The Perfect Delivery Updates

Seasons Sale Offers:

Weather is one of the hottest topics based on which you can plan your marketing strategies. Here you can easily use this approach via android push notifications that will reflect your sales directly. Thus, ask your users to buy more from your store because the season has arrived now. Here, people love to do seasonal shopping, so this could be your chance to increase your business by highlighting the seasonal stock on your business app and generating leads for the same by utilizing a push notifications strategy.

Seasons Sale Offers

Nudging Inactive Users:

Sometimes users download the mobile application on their android devices initially and then forget to interact with this. Here forgetting interacting with your business app also indicates that they have even forgotten your name. So, this is the time to wake them up with android push notifications and tell them about your presence, which they might have forgotten about. Further, you can also add some exclusive deals, particularly for them, in your push notification text, to which they can never say no. 

Nudging Inactive Users

Fulfill their Dropped Shopping List:

Many times your users make up their minds about doing online shopping using your business app, but they end up adding their favorite products to their shopping cart and then leave it. There could be many reasons behind this, such as online payment failure, high prices, delayed shipping dates, etc. So, those products are still left behind in their abandoned shopping carts and remain unsold by you. 

This is your time when you need to remind your users about their abandoned shopping cart by utilizing these android push notifications. Here, you can also add some excellent offers for selling these abandoned cart products to your prospective customers. 

Fulfill their Dropped Shopping List

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Here, the bottom line is that even small businesses can utilize the latest technologies to grow their business by spending the least and earning the maximum from the same. All they are going to need is an appropriate strategy, which you will find in this article. 

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